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Millions Recovered For Clients


Años de experiencia combinada


Casos tratados


Liquidación de casos superior a la media


Millions Recovered For Clients

Utah Personal Injury Attorney

Why Choose Acadia Law Group?

With our established reputation of delivering first class service to our clients across the country for over 25 years, our professionals and staff are dedicated to ensuring your case is resolved in the most beneficial manner possible.

Call 801-816-2525 now to get a free consultation with one of our car accident attorney professionals. We want your recovery experience with Acadia Law Group to be stress-free. Don’t settle for second best; hire us today. Only an experienced lawyer can give you all the answers in court!

We Understand You

Too often accident victims are pushed into an efficient yet impersonal system which does not consider individual concerns or problems during interviews with lawyers, who do only ask questions about legal issues, without pausing long enough to listen or care how you feel before moving on to the next case.

We Care

When you’re faced with the emotional and physical challenges of traumatic accidents, you need help to regain control over your life. The first step is understanding what to expect so we can resolve any lingering issues which may result from the accident. 

While it may feel overwhelming, we can help you reclaim your life by taking small steps in the right direction every day!


We want to hear from you. What factors are most important to you? How has this impacted you, your family and your quality of life?

We are your advocates and want you to have the best possible chance of success. We listen closely so we can get you and your loved ones the justice you deserve.

Utah personal injury attorney

What We Offer Our Clients

woman on the phone in a personal injury attorney's office

Focus on Personal Injury Cases

The first step to achieving justice is hiring a team of passionate personal injury attorneys who will take on your case and fight for you.

Selecting the right lawyer can be difficult, but we are here to help! We specialize in personal injury cases so you have an expert on your side.

Proven Track Record

Our success is due to our commitment to excellence and unparalleled customer service.

Every client has a personal case manager who works with them throughout the entire process, ensuring that their needs are met at every stage in order for us to get you better results than any other firm can offer!

Bilingual Staff

We are a large bilingual team, and we can answer any questions you may have in Spanish as well.

Disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana

The law firm is a 24/7 service. No matter what happens, our attorneys and staff are available for you and want to help in any way they can – whether by phone call or even visiting your home if necessary.

Acadia Law Group

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Inicie su consulta gratuita con Acadia Law Group

Tipos de reclamaciones que Acadia representa

Estamos orgullosos del éxito que han tenido nuestros profesionales de lesiones personales al recuperar millones para sus clientes. Nosotros también podemos ayudarle, y le garantizamos que si alguna vez se produce un accidente con peligro potencial, ¡nuestro equipo está en ello!

Representamos a personas que han resultado heridas por coches o camiones, pero incluso los pequeños accidentes pueden ser mortales, así que no espere a que sea demasiado tarde. Actúe ahora antes de que otro conductor vuelva a atacar…

vector file red car hitting orange car

If you are in a car accident, it is vital to ensure that you have the right Utah auto crash lawyer on your side. Acadia Law Group has helped numerous clients get fair compensation and justice for their cases!

A car accident can cause serious harm or death as well as emotional trauma if not handled properly. A good personal injury attorney will fight for what's rightfully yours--fair compensation from an insurance company whose client caused this wreck!

Was the driver at fault uninsured? We can help you sue for damages not covered by insurance and recover deductibles.

Riding a motorcycle is exciting, but accidents are always a risk.

Motorcycles can be very dangerous vehicles- there's no denying that they're not for everyone! But if something were to happen, we will be here to guide you through the pitfalls after the accident.

If you have been in a motorcycle accident, your first priority should be to get yourself out of the way and make sure that there are no vehicles leaking fuel. Reach out today for more information about how we can help with this free consultation from Acadia Law Group!

Acadia Accident and Personal Injury law team is different. Unlike some large firms, we do not apply the "one size fits all" approach to clients in an effort to obtain a quick settlement with the minimal amount of work.

We recognize your personal injury is important to you, which makes it important to us as well! This comprehensive approach determines what strategies work best for your specific needs and circumstances without sacrificing compassion or attention.

The attorneys of Acadia Law Group have been handling slip and fall cases for years. They are ready to help you with your legal matters during a free consultation, so don't hesitate to call them today!

You could be entitled for substantial compensation if you're injured from a slip-and-fall situation! If you have an accident, you may feel scared and overwhelmed. Our experienced team provides a helping hand during this difficult time with support and guidance to make sure your needs are met until we settle your claim.

As your wrongful death attorney, we’ll ensure you receive the compensation deserved from your tragic loss. We’ll also prepare and file all required legal documents, monitor deadlines to keep the case moving efficiently towards a conclusion, handle negotiations if necessary for expedited settlements or litigate if it becomes too complex or can’t be settled out of court.

We will guide you through the complex process of wrongful death litigation. We have experience in calculating fair settlements so your family can get closure and move on with their lives without worrying about hefty legal bills.

Acadia Law Group is a Utah-based law firm specializing in dog bite injury cases. We have experienced attorneys that are dedicated to helping victims of dog bites, who can provide personalized legal guidance to ensure that the rights of the victim and their family are respected throughout the legal process.

With our team's knowledge and expertise, we will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the best outcome possible for your case. Contact us today to get started!

For years now, we’ve been the trusted name in legal counsel for injured people living or travelling through Salt Lake City and across Utah. When you are injured, especially if hurt by a commercial vehicle accident involving an 18-wheeler or other large truck driver on our roads, you need to work with professionals who can guide your claim from start-to-finish while still meeting all of your needs as soon as possible after the incident. With over 25 combined years working at SLC law firms specializing in personal injury cases such as these - there is no better lawyer than ours!

When you are in a car accident with an 18-wheeler, it can be tempting to agree with whatever settlement offer given, but don't be too hasty; there may still be options which provide more of what you deserve from your claim - even if it takes some time and work up front.

Taxis and ride-sharing services like Uber have revolutionized how people get around town, but there’s a downside: they don't carry insurance. If you've been injured in an accident while using these third party service providers to hail a car or take someone else from point A to B then contact our firm at Acadia Law Group - we will fight for your rights!

Pedestrians have the right-of-way in Utah. The laws are clear and if you're ever involved with an accident caused by someone who was not paying attention or acting reckless, then it's time for your accident attorney to help make sure that everything possible goes into recovering from this traumatic experience.

Our attorneys know best how to win you the compensation that is rightfully yours. We will fight for your case, even if it means taking one before a judge and jury! Don't let them trick or coercion into accepting too low of settlement money; hire an advocate with knowledge on these matters who can make sure they pay what's owed - legally-speaking--to get all possible recovery available in this type of situation.

Pasos en sus casos

Proving Liability in a Personal Injury Case


When you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s important to understand who is liable for your damages. In Utah, you may be able to obtain compensation from at-fault parties even if you are partially responsible. To make sure that you don’t accept less than what’s owed to you, enlist the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Insurance companies and the at-fault party will often try to shift blame away from themselves in order reduce their settlement costs, so having professional help can ensure that doesn’t happen. We can also maximize your economic and non-economic damages, such as lost wages, medical expenses and potential future earnings. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of—contact us today for the legal guidance you need.

Don’t Fall Victim to Insurance Companies


When you purchase an insurance policy, you may naively expect that your insurer will be on your side should a car accident or other injury-causing event occur. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. The provider is a for-profit business and profits from minimizing claims payouts, so it looks for any excuse to deny coverage.

Our team of personal injury professionals are knowledgeable of these tactics and won’t let the insurer place unwarranted fault on you. We’ll make sure that you receive what you’re entitled to and don’t get taken advantage of when making a claim.

Get the compensation you deserve


When you sustain an injury, your personal injury lawyer will assess how it could potentially or has already affected your life. This includes both economic and non-economic damage components such as pain and suffering. Once they have been determined, we’ll calculate their worth.

It’s important to not overlook the economic damages stemming from a serious accident. These may consist of lost wages, retirement savings account contributions, and medical bills due to another person’s negligence. We won’t let you bear the financial burden of someone else’s mistake – let us help you get what you’re entitled to.

Pasos en sus casos

1. Establecimiento de la culpa y prueba de la negligencia en una lesión personal

Si usted se lesionó en un accidente, hay muchas partes que deben ser consideradas responsables de sus daños. Si no se abusa o se hace un mal uso de ella por parte de personas reticentes que buscan un beneficio económico a costa del dolor y el sufrimiento de otros, esta ley puede hacer que paguen hasta el último céntimo para cubrir todo lo que se perdió por su negligencia hacia nosotros.

En Utah, la ley permite a las víctimas de lesiones recuperar los daños de la parte culpable, incluso si son parcialmente responsables de su accidente. Esto hace que sea increíblemente importante que usted trabaje con un profesional con experiencia en lesiones personales porque este tipo de casos a menudo implica complicadas leyes de negligencia y tácticas de las compañías de seguros destinadas a aprovechar los eslabones débiles en cualquier reacción en cadena que implique la cobertura de la asignación o la financiación de la defensa.

2. Las aseguradoras no le darán prioridad

Las compañías de seguros son empresas con ánimo de lucro. Quieren asegurarse de no pagar ningún siniestro, por lo que cuando la gente contrata una póliza de seguro y paga puntualmente todos los meses, no es raro que piense que su compañía estará ahí después de que se produzca el gran accidente o lesión, pero esto no siempre es cierto. Como ocurre con muchas cosas en la vida, es mejor estar preparado que lamentarse más adelante; por suerte, conseguir algún tipo de cobertura ahora puede ayudar a suavizar esos baches en el camino que tienes por delante.

Nos aseguraremos de que no se aprovechen de usted ni se conformen con menos de lo que les corresponde. Si la compañía de seguros trata de hacer recaer una culpa injustificada sobre sus hombros, ¡nuestro equipo lo tiene cubierto!

3. Garantizar la máxima indemnización por sus daños y perjuicios

Cuando usted está lesionado, su abogado de lesiones personales tendrá que examinar todas las formas en que las lesiones impactaron o podrían potencialmente impactar la vida. Lo hacemos considerando tanto los daños económicos como los no económicos, como el dolor y el sufrimiento, por ejemplo; una vez que sepa lo que implican, podemos pasar a calcular el valor con cualquiera de ellos.

Tras un accidente grave, es importante tener en cuenta los daños económicos. Pueden adoptar muchas formas diferentes e incluir la pérdida de salarios, las aportaciones a la cuenta de ahorro para la jubilación o las facturas médicas, todo ello por haber resultado herido en una colisión automovilística.

Conozca a nuestro fundador

businessman smiling

El Sr. Denos lleva más de 25 años ejerciendo la abogacía, representando a miles de personas y empresas durante este periodo, y ha construido Acadia centrándose en el servicio al cliente. Ha reunido un equipo diverso y con talento que comparte su compromiso con la resolución de problemas complejos y la creación de valor.


Kenneth Denos – Fundador y Presidente

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No Recovery? You Owe Us Nothing.
No Fees Unless We Win!

Our Utah personal injury Professionals are ready to fight for you.



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